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Version 2.0

   This version of `MUIRexx' is a major update from the previous
version. I decided to designate this release a major update since a lot
has changed (see History) and most likely any scripts written for
previous versions will break under this version.  I apologize for any
inconvenience this causes, but it was necessary to make major changes
to implement some new capabilities.  One of the biggest changes is that
most options now require a keyword, so if you find that gadgets are
missing (or even whole groups) then it is probably because a keyword is
missing (like the LABEL keyword for example).  Please have a look at
the included example scripts to get an idea of how things should now
look.  Also, AmigaDOS 3.0 or better is now required because of the need
for datatypes.library.

   Some other major changes and additions include:

   * Multiple labels specified in a comma delimited list (used to be
     specified as multiple arguments separated by space)

   * Attribute TAGS can be set and retrieved, greatly improving
     flexibility and eliminating the need for some options (which have
     been removed, e.g. WEIGHT)

   * New `object' command for creation of generalized objects based on
     MUI internal and external classes as well as BOOPSI classes (also
     eliminated the need for some built-in objects, like `scale')

   * New `method' command to allow creation of class methods which
     greatly enhances flexibility and eliminates need for some commands
     (which have been removed, e.g. `muiset', `config')

   * Drag and drop operations are fully support for some objects

   * Internal variables may be set or retrieved for passing data
     conveniently between `ARexx' scripts

   Note that if a script does fail then most likely the application
will still be running (even if no window is open).  In this case just
issue the quit command to the application port.